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House in Westbrook


Existing Split Level 1970's House Model of the Renovated House


Model View from the Northeast Model View from the Southwest


View of Entry - Study View of Stair - Study


The clients for this project were a Dutch couple who had a keen interest in modern architecture. One of the great delights of the process was being able to send them on a field trip to see The Schroder House in Utrecht by Gerrit Rietveld.

The site is a spectacular peninsula at the confluence of two rivers and Long Island sound. A very standard split level builder's house currently stands on the site. This project is a radical renovation of the existing structure.

The upper level is the main living level with all the major spaces lined up facing the sea. The composition of the project started with an analysis of the "split-level" gesture in order to find a way to make the space "split" in multiple dimensions. The final form of the project resembles a series of parallel prisms bundled together but shifted in section and plan so that movement inside the house is from discrete volume to discrete volume until the visitor emerges on the water side at the broad expanse of the deck and the horizon beyond.

The proposed materials for the project were translucent glass for the entry piece, bleached Port Oreford Cedar for the piece that contains the entry stair, stucco for the main body of the house and Zinc-Tin panels for the volume that contains the dining room and master bedroom. The first storey on which all of these pieces sit is ground face block. The walks and pool surround were to be flamed granite. The floors were to be polished concrete with a radiant heating system.